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Hatha Yoga

A few snippets of what Hatha Yoga is:

‘Ha’ and ‘tha’ mean the union of the sun and the moon, union of prana (chest/head) and apana (pelvis) vayu (prana pathway). ‘Hatha’ means any tenacious practice till the object or end is achieved.

Hatha Yoga is the branch of yoga that works through the body, rather than through the mind or emotions.

Primary practices of Hatha Yoga include asana (poses), pranayama (life force / breath), bandha (body lock) and mudra (hand gesture).

There are three purposes of Hatha yoga:

  1. The total purification of the body

  2. The complete balancing of the physical, mental, and energetic fields

  3. The awakening of pure consciousness through which one ultimately connects with the divine by engaging in practices rooted in the physical body

My Hatha Yoga class includes warming up your body with a Sun Salutation followed by asanas (poses) that are held for 5 - 7 breaths, focusing on alignment, while connecting with your body and breath in each pose.

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