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How to Practice Bridge Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Setu Bandhasana

Related Chakra: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

Chakra chant: RAM

Benefits: Thighs, buttocks, abdominal muscles, tones abdominal organs, hips, thyroid gland, regulates metabolism, nourishes the brain

How to:

  • Lay on your back and bend both of your knees so that your feet are near your buttocks. Legs are hip distance apart.

  • Arms are by your sides.

  • Back of your head is on the floor, gaze is upward. Do not tuck your chin.

  • Shoulders are back and down your back body.

  • Inhale, push your feet firmly in the earth and lift your hips up. Chest moves towards chin.

  • Clasp your hands underneath your buttocks and move your shoulders downward.

  • Hold the pose for 5 - 7 breaths.

  • To come out, unclasp your hands and move your arms by your side.

  • Slowly bring your back and torso towards the floor, one vertebra at a time.

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