Sanskrit name: Garudasana
Related Chakra: Ajna or third eye chakra
Chakra chant: SHAM
Benefits: Legs, knees, ankles, feet, torso, abdominal muscles, back, spine, and balance
How to:
Start by standing with feet together in the middle of your mat.
OPTIONAL: place a block to the outside edge of your right foot (pinky toe edge)
Shift all your weight into your right leg.
Bend your knees slightly.
Inhale, cross your left leg over your right thigh and either place your left toes on the block or hook your left toes around your right calf. Exhale.
Inhale, raise your arms to shoulder height, elbows bent, and cross your left arm under your right arm and hook your hands together so your palms are touching. Exhale.
Stretch your arms up and away from your body.
Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths, gazing at point in front of you.
Exhale, gently unwind from the pose.
Repeat on the left side.
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