Sanskrit name: Utthita Trikonasana
Related Chakra: Muladhara or Root Chakra
Chakra chant: LAM
Benefits: Stretches the spine, flexibility in the hips, shoulders, and legs, opens up the rib cage, tones the nerves around the spine, tones the leg muscles.
How to:
Stand about 4 feet apart.
Turn your right foot out and left foot in at about a 45-degree angle.
Your right heel should be in alignment with the arch of your left foot.
Bring your right knee over right toes.
Arms come up straight at shoulder height.
Gaze comes out over right fingertips.
Lean ever so slightly back to the left.
Externally rotate your hips.
Feel the energy from the earth come up through your feet.
Straighten your right leg, arms come down.
Change sides.
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