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How to Practice Legs Up the Wall Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Viparita Karani

English name: Legs up the wall

Related Chakra: Sahasrara or crown chakra

Chakra chant: OM

Benefits: Legs, feet, torso, neck, relieves headaches, and calms the mind

How to:

  • Sit with your right side against the wall, with bent knees and feet drawn in toward your hips.

  • Swing your legs up the wall as you turn and lie flat on your back, making sure your buttocks is against the wall.

  • Arms can be in goal post or T position.

  • Breath and stay in the pose for 2 - 5 minutes.

  • To release from the pose, swing your legs down the wall.

  • Relax on your back for a few breaths.

  • Draw your knees into your chest and roll onto your right side.

  • Using the strength of your left arm, push your self up into a cross legged position.

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