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How to Practice Plank Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Kumbhakasana

English name: Plank

Related Chakra: Ajna or third eye chakra

Chakra chant: SHAM

Benefits: Builds strength in the upper body, wrists, forearms, upper arms, and shoulders. Also excellent for abdominal and back muscles

How to:

  • Begin in Downward Facing Dog pose.

  • Inhale, shift forward and align shoulders over wrists.

  • Pull your navel toward your spine to engage abdominal muscles.

  • Keep head, neck, and spine in alignment and gaze is toward the earth.

  • Exhale, push back into Downward Facing Dog pose or Child's pose.

  • MODIFICATION: knees can drop to the earth for an easier pose.

  • MODIFICATION: forearms can drop to the earth for a more challenging pose.

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