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How to Practice Staff Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Dandasana

Related Chakra: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

Chakra chant: VAM

Benefits: Spine, posture, hamstrings, nerve network, brings blood to the pelvic area, adrenal glands, abdominal organs, back, helps to calm brain cells, may improve functionality of digestive organs

How to:

  • Come seated on the floor. You can sit on a block or blanket.

  • Extend your legs and keep your feet flexed.

  • Ground your sit bones into the earth.

  • Keep your hands flat on the floor by your hips

  • Relax your shoulders down your back body and reach up with the crown of your head to the sky.

  • Take 5 - 7 breaths in this posture.

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