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How to Practice Half Spinal Twist Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Ardha Matsyendrasana

English name: Half Spinal Twist

Related Chakra: Anahata or heart chakra

Chakra chant: YAM

Benefits: Back, shoulders, hips, stomach, liver, kidneys, pancreas, intestines, and nervous system. Relieves fatigue.

How to:

  • Start by sitting on ground with your legs out in front of you.

  • Bend your left leg and place your foot flat on the earth to the outside of your right knee.

  • Bend your right leg and bring your heel toward your left butt muscle.

  • Place your left hand behind you on the floor.

  • Inhale, raise your right arm up.

  • Exhale, bend your right arm and press your elbow against the outside of your left knee and revolve the twist starting from your belly, chest, shoulders, neck, and head.

  • Inhale.

  • As you exhale, see if you can twist a little further.

  • Breath in the pose for 3 - breaths.

  • Inhale.

  • Exhale and start to uncoil from the twist from your head, neck, shoulders, chest, and belly.

  • Change sides.

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