Sanskrit name: Vriksasana
Related Chakra: Ajna or third eye chakra
Chakra chant: SHAM
Benefits: Tones legs, knees, ankles, and feet, balance, stretches the spine, strengthens the abdominal muscles.
How to:
Stand hip distance apart.
Shift your weight into your right leg.
Find a spot in front of you to focus on to keep your balance.
Place your left foot on your ankle, shin, or inner thigh (never on your knee).
Right hip moves toward your midline, left knee moves back.
Hands in prayer (Anjali mudra) at your heart center.
For more of a challenge, arms can move up to the sky, grow your branches.
For even more of a challenge, close your eyes.
Arms come back to heart center.
Left knee comes forward, then foot come down to the ground.
Arms come down.
Change sides.
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