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How to Practice Tree Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Vriksasana

Related Chakra: Ajna or third eye chakra

Chakra chant: SHAM

Benefits: Tones legs, knees, ankles, and feet, balance, stretches the spine, strengthens the abdominal muscles.

How to:

  • Stand hip distance apart.

  • Shift your weight into your right leg.

  • Find a spot in front of you to focus on to keep your balance.

  • Place your left foot on your ankle, shin, or inner thigh (never on your knee).

  • Right hip moves toward your midline, left knee moves back.

  • Hands in prayer (Anjali mudra) at your heart center.

  • For more of a challenge, arms can move up to the sky, grow your branches.

  • For even more of a challenge, close your eyes.

  • Arms come back to heart center.

  • Left knee comes forward, then foot come down to the ground.

  • Arms come down.

  • Change sides.

How to Practice Tree Yoga Pose

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