Sanskrit name: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana
English name: Upward Facing Dog
Related Chakra: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra
Chakra chant: VAM
Benefits: Stretches the chest and spine, wrists, arms, and shoulders, opens up the upper body and chest and improves posture, stimulates the abdominal organs and benefits digestion.
How to:
Start by laying on your belly, tops of feet touching the floor, hands by your shoulders. Inhale.
Exhale, push yourself up so that your arms are straight, your hips are lifted off the ground, and your gaze comes forward.
Roll your shoulder blades back and down your body and press the tops of your feet into the ground.
Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.
Exhale, lower yourself slowly down to the ground.
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