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How to Practice Upward Facing Dog Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

English name: Upward Facing Dog

Related Chakra: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

Chakra chant: VAM

Benefits: Stretches the chest and spine, wrists, arms, and shoulders, opens up the upper body and chest and improves posture, stimulates the abdominal organs and benefits digestion.

How to:

  • Start by laying on your belly, tops of feet touching the floor, hands by your shoulders. Inhale.

  • Exhale, push yourself up so that your arms are straight, your hips are lifted off the ground, and your gaze comes forward.

  • Roll your shoulder blades back and down your body and press the tops of your feet into the ground.

  • Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.

  • Exhale, lower yourself slowly down to the ground.

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