Sanskrit name: Virabhadrasana
English name: Warrior 1
Related Chakra: Muladhara or Root Chakra
Chakra chant: LAM
Benefits: Strengthens legs, hips, abdomen, back, neck, ankles, knees, shoulders, improves balance and concentration, expands the chest for easier breathing
How to:
Start by standing at the top of your mat. Inhale.
Exhale, step your left foot back behind you, keeping your heels in line, turn your left foot 45 degrees to the left.
Keep your torso facing forward.
Inhale, reach both arms up to the sky, palms facing each other.
Exhale, bend your right knee, bringing your thigh parallel to the floor, knee over ankle.
Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths.
Inhale, straighten your leg.
Exhale, step feet together and release your arms.
Repeat on the right side.
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