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How to Practice Warrior 2 Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Virbhadrasana 2

Related Chakra: Muladhara or root chakra

Chakra chant: LAM

Benefits: Strengthens legs, hips, abdomen, back, neck, ankles, knees, shoulders, improves balance and concentration, expands the chest for easier breathing.

How to:

  • Stand about 4 feet apart.

  • Turn your right foot out and left foot in at about a 45-degree angle.

  • Your right heel should be in alignment with the arch of your left foot.

  • Bring your right knee over right toes.

  • Arms come up straight at shoulder height.

  • Gaze comes out over right fingertips.

  • Lean ever so slightly back to the left.

  • Externally rotate your hips.

  • Feel the energy from the earth come up through your feet.

  • Straighten your right leg, arms come down.

  • Change sides.

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