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How to Practice Wide Angle Forward Fold Yoga Pose

Sanskrit name: Prasarita Padottanasana

Related Chakra: Ajna or third eye chakra

Chakra chant: SHAM

Benefits: Strengthens and stretches the inner and back legs and the spine, tones the abdominal organs, calms the brain, and relieves backache

How to:

  • Step your feet about 4 feet apart and turn your feet inward a little bit.

  • Inhale and lengthen your spine.

  • Bend forward from your hip joint with an exhale.

  • Hands can be placed on blocks or the floor, in line with your feet.

  • Crown of your head drops down towards the floor.

  • Shoulders move away from your ears.

  • Breathe slowly.

  • Inhale and slowly rise up one vertebra at a time.

  • Step your feet together.

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