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How to Practice Yoga Pose Child's Pose

Sanskrit name: Balasana

English name: Child's Pose

Related Chakra: Visuddha or Throat Chakra

Chakra chant: HUM

Benefits: A rest pose in between other yoga asanas

How to:

  • Start by sitting on your heels.

  • Bring big toes together and move knees hip-width apart.

  • Exhale, bend forward and rest your torso on your thighs.

  • Move tailbone down toward feet.

  • Inhale, reach your arms forward and squeeze your bicep muscles.

  • Press palms into the Earth and rest forehead to the ground or a block.

  • Hold the pose for 3 - 5 breaths, noticing your breath in your back body.

  • Inhale, straighten your torso up.

  • Exhale.

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