Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. Pumpkin spice, cooler weather for running outside, Halloween, the list goes on! As we all transition from Summer to Fall, think about things that you can let go of, maybe an old habit or some old stuff in your house. Like the trees letting go of their leaves, let go of things that you do not need anymore. Listen and or read along to this Summer to Fall guided meditation. Share it with a friend!
Welcome to our Summer to Fall Meditation. Find a quiet space where you won’t be disturbed during this meditation. Get comfortable! Sit or lay down in a relaxed position. If you need a blanket, grab a blanket to keep warm. You could also use a pillow under your knees if you are laying down. Get whatever you need to be relaxed and comfortable.
Close your eyes and start to notice your breath. Really focus on your breath. Feel gratitude toward your breath and your body. Thoughts will arise during this meditation. That’s ok, that will happen. See your thoughts scrolling in front of you. You are not your thoughts. Begin to feel stillness. Rest in that stillness.
Let’s begin to deepen our breath. Inhale. Exhale, settle and let go. Inhale. Exhale. Become aware of your chest and notice your body breathing. Notice your chest gently rising and falling with each breath.
Take 5 breaths
Bring your awareness to your right nostril. Feel each breath coming in through your right nostril, heating up your body.
Take 5 breaths
Bring your awareness to your left nostril. Feel each breath coming in through your left nostril, cooling down your body.
Take 5 breaths
Bring your awareness to both nostrils. Feel the balance of hot and cool coming in, right and left, heating and cooling.
Take 5 breaths
Take a few more deep breaths.
Take 5 breaths
Let your breath return back to normal.
Take 3 breaths
We are shifting into the fall season. Know that fall is here.
Feel fall arriving.
Take 3 breaths
Notice the trees are letting go of their leaves.
Give yourself permission to let go, just like the leaves.
Make way for beauty, love and kindness.
Picture yourself letting go of anything you no longer need, like an old habit or mindset.
Make time for rest, relaxation, and down time.
What will you let go of today? A thought? A habit? A feeling? Trust your intuition and feel what you want to release. Without any guilt, let it go right now.
Embrace letting go, be free, be light.
Take 3 breaths
Feel yourself lighter as you release and let go.
Take 3 breaths
Now let’s set a fall intention:
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
Take 5 breaths
Feel the cool crisp fall air blowing across your body. Front to back, back to front. Up and down, down and up.
Feel the cool air getting colder.
Feel your body contracting, pulling in from the cold.
The cold permeates your skin and deep into your bones.
You feel goosebumps all over you and you are shivering.
Notice the breath in your left nostril.
Feel the cold air flowing in with each inhale.
With each breath your body becomes colder and colder.
Feel cold all over your body, toes, legs, belly, arms, head, nose, ears.
Cold all throughout your body.
Now completely let the cold sensation go from your body. Completely let it go.
You can let the cold sensation go from your body at any time.
Now feel heat arising in your body.
Bring your awareness to your belly or your sacral chakra beneath your belly button.
Start to create heat in your sacral chakra and feel it radiating throughout your body.
Feel your sacral chakra like a blazing fire, like the hot sun.
Feel the incredible heat radiating out creating warmth through your whole body. The heat permeates your whole body.
Feel the heat in your bones, radiating out, expanding in all directions, in your muscles, skin, arms, legs, hands, feet, head. Feel the heat in your entire body.
It’s so much heat that it surrounds the air around you. It’s a heat wave.
Notice the breath in your right nostril. As you exhale, notice the expansion of your right nostril and the sensation of heat flowing out from your right nostril.
With each breath in the right nostril, feel heat.
With each inhalation and exhalation through your right nostril, intensify the feeling of heat throughout your whole body. The heat is radiating out and you feel hot.
Now let go of the sensation of heat.
Completely let it go.
Let the hot sensation go throughout your body.
Notice that you have the power to manifest or let go of heat in your body at any time.
Take a moment now to rest in the awareness of being able to manifest or let go of body temperature at any time.
Take 10 breaths
Now we will repeat our fall intention.
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
I shift beautifully into the season of letting go.
Know that your intention has been received in your mind, body and soul. Take a moment to feel the peace of this intention.
Take 10 breaths
Bring your consciousness back into your body.
Take 5 breaths
Wiggle your fingers
Take 2 breaths
Wiggle your toes
Take 2 breaths
Stretch your arms overhead
Take 2 breaths
Take a deep breath in
And let it go…aaaaaa
Take another deep breath in
And let it go…aaaaaa
Take a third deep breath in
And let it go…aaaaaa
Let your breath return to normal.
May you be able to let go.
May you shift into the season of fall.
May you feel powerful.
Download the Summer to Fall guided meditation script:
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