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Yoga Props for Class

Yoga props are important for providing extra support in some poses. Using blocks or straps can help make a pose easier to hold and can help if there is tightness in the body. Props can help steady you in a pose and can help you be in proper alignment. They can also help prevent injuries.

Props that I use in my class:


Mats are used to stand on and not slip on the floor


Blocks are used in many ways such as to sit on in Virasana (Hero pose) or stabilize a balancing pose like Virabhadrasana III (Warrior III pose)


Straps are used in many ways as well such as to keep shoulders in alignment in Adho Mukha Svanasana (Downward Facing Dog pose) or to stabilize legs in Supta Padangusthasana (Reclining Hand to Big Toe pose)


Blankets are used for sitting postures such as Sukhasana (Easy Seated pose) to keep knees below the hips or to keep warm in Savasana (Corpse pose) if you are in a cold space

I recommend you either purchase these props or find substitutes for them for your yoga practice. Here are substitutions that you can find around your house for some of these props:

Blocks - you can also use a big book, a chair, a low table, the wall can come in handy in some poses, maybe a full box of wine

Strap - you can also use a necktie, a belt or a few belts looped together, a towel, maybe a thick, sturdy ribbon

Blanket - you can also use a couple blankets you have at home, a firm pillow, thick sheets stacked on each other, maybe even rolling up another yoga mat you have

If you want to jump all in and purchase yoga props, here are a few places to buy them:


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